Indomato Rosato

Designation of origin: Rosato del Frusinate IGT

Grapes: Giulia Grapes

Age of plants: Plant of 2017

Training system: Spalliera – Guyot semplice

Type of soil: Franco argillosi

Planting Density: 3500 / ha

Yield: 70

Alcohol: 12%

Vinification: In steel tanks, without contact with the skins, soft pressing with a hydraulic press. Spontaneous fermentation (on average 15/20 days). No clarification or filtration

Service temperature: 6/8 °C

Service temperature:6/8 °C

Notes: Rosé with marked acidity. Herbaceous and citrus notes on the nose. Energetic on the palate with great temperament. Intense pink color with coppery reflections

Pairings: Fried food, pizza, red meat, cheese.

Indomato Rosato